5 Essential Tips for Preventing Separation Anxiety in Akita Dog Puppies

Learn the 5 essential tips for preventing separation anxiety in Akita Dog puppies.


During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, many people found themselves with unexpected extra time on their hands, leading them to consider bringing home a new puppy. While having the opportunity to spend lots of time with a new puppy is great, it’s important to consider the potential for separation anxiety when the time comes to return to a busy lifestyle. Separation anxiety is a common issue for dogs and can lead to serious behavioral problems. In this blog, we will provide a step-by-step training plan to help you teach your puppy how to feel happy and secure when left alone.

Creating a Safe Enclosure

– Provide a puppy-proof enclosure for alone time, such as a room, crate, or secured exercise pen
– Ensure there are no dangerous items in the area and provide fresh water
– Offer a comfortable and safe surface, such as a dog bed or mat
– Build positive associations with the area by spending time playing, cuddling, and engaging in positive reinforcement training

Teaching Your Puppy to Be Alone

– Practice separations in the same room and gradually increase the duration of time apart
– Use an indicator cue when leaving your puppy’s sight and provide fun and soothing enrichment in the area
– Practice separations with you out of sight and gradually add in distractions and duration
– Include fun alone time in your puppy’s daily routine and gradually practice separations with you leaving the house

Additional Tips for Building Independence

– Provide predictability and be responsive to your puppy’s signs of distress in a calm manner
– Prevent noise phobias by introducing your puppy to a variety of noises and pairing them with fun activities and treats
– Avoid the use of corrections or punishment and create a routine that includes daily alone time for your puppy

By following these training steps and tips, you can help prevent separation anxiety in your puppy and set them up to be confident and independent when left alone.

Understanding the breed

Understanding the breed is crucial when it comes to preventing separation anxiety in puppies. Different breeds have different temperaments and needs, so it’s important to research and understand the specific characteristics of your puppy’s breed. For example, some breeds are known for being more independent and may handle alone time better, while others are more prone to developing separation anxiety. By understanding your puppy’s breed, you can tailor your training and enrichment activities to best suit their individual needs.

It’s also important to consider the breed’s history and purpose. For example, herding breeds are often highly social and may struggle with being left alone for long periods of time. On the other hand, breeds bred for hunting or guarding may be more independent and better able to handle alone time. Understanding the breed’s natural instincts and tendencies can help you anticipate and address any potential separation anxiety issues.

Additionally, consider the energy level and exercise needs of your puppy’s breed. Some breeds require more physical and mental stimulation to stay happy and content, and inadequate exercise or mental enrichment can contribute to the development of separation anxiety. By understanding your puppy’s breed, you can ensure that they are getting the appropriate amount of exercise and mental stimulation to help prevent separation anxiety.

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Overall, understanding the breed is an essential part of preventing separation anxiety in puppies. By taking the time to learn about your puppy’s breed-specific needs, characteristics, and tendencies, you can better prepare them for alone time and set them up for success in the long run.

Breed-Specific Enrichment Activities

– Research breed-specific enrichment activities that cater to your puppy’s natural instincts and tendencies.
– For example, if you have a herding breed, consider engaging in activities that mimic herding behavior, such as puzzle toys or interactive games that require problem-solving skills.
– If you have a hunting breed, consider activities that tap into their natural hunting instincts, such as scent work or hide-and-seek games with treats.
– Providing breed-specific enrichment activities can help keep your puppy mentally stimulated and fulfilled, reducing the likelihood of separation anxiety developing.

By understanding the breed and providing breed-specific enrichment activities, you can help prevent separation anxiety in your puppy and ensure that they are happy, well-adjusted, and confident when left alone.

Establishing a routine

Establishing a routine is crucial for helping your puppy feel secure and comfortable when you are away. Start by creating a consistent schedule for feeding, playtime, walks, and alone time. This will help your puppy understand what to expect throughout the day and reduce their anxiety when you are not around.

Feeding schedule:

– Set specific times for feeding your puppy each day.
– Use mealtime as an opportunity to practice positive reinforcement training and build a positive association with alone time.

Playtime and exercise:

– Schedule regular playtime and exercise sessions to keep your puppy mentally and physically stimulated.
– Engage in interactive games and training activities to strengthen your bond and build your puppy’s confidence.

Alone time:

– Incorporate short periods of alone time into your puppy’s daily routine, gradually increasing the duration as they become more comfortable.
– Use the training plan mentioned earlier to teach your puppy how to be alone and build their independence.

By establishing a routine that includes regular feeding, playtime, and alone time, you can help your puppy feel more secure and confident, even when you are not at home. This structured schedule will also make the transition back to a busy lifestyle smoother for both you and your puppy.

Gradual alone time

Teaching your puppy to be comfortable with alone time is a gradual process that requires patience and consistency. Start by gradually increasing the amount of time your puppy spends alone, starting with just a few minutes and slowly working your way up to longer periods. This gradual approach will help your puppy build confidence and feel secure when left alone.

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Step 1: Short Separations

– Begin by leaving your puppy alone for just a few minutes at a time. Start with 5-10 minute intervals, and gradually increase the duration as your puppy becomes more comfortable.
– Use this time to engage in a quiet activity, such as reading or working on a puzzle, so your puppy learns that alone time is a normal part of the day.

Step 2: Increase Distance

– Once your puppy is comfortable with short separations, start to increase the distance between you and your puppy. This can be done by leaving the room or stepping outside for a brief period.
– Use positive reinforcement, such as treats or toys, to reward your puppy for staying calm and relaxed during these short separations.

Step 3: Practice Regularly

– Make alone time a regular part of your puppy’s routine. This will help them become accustomed to being alone and reduce the likelihood of separation anxiety developing.
– Consistent practice and positive reinforcement will help your puppy feel secure and confident when left alone.

By following these gradual steps and providing positive reinforcement, you can help your puppy build the skills and confidence they need to handle alone time with ease. Remember to be patient and understanding as your puppy learns, and seek professional help if you encounter any challenges along the way.

Mental and physical stimulation

Puppies, like humans, need mental and physical stimulation to stay healthy and happy. Providing your puppy with opportunities for both types of stimulation is essential for preventing separation anxiety. Mental stimulation can include training sessions, puzzle toys, and interactive games that challenge your puppy’s mind. Physical stimulation, on the other hand, involves activities such as walks, playtime, and agility exercises that keep your puppy active and engaged.

Mental stimulation

– Engage in daily training sessions to teach your puppy new commands and tricks.
– Use puzzle toys and interactive feeders to challenge your puppy’s problem-solving skills.
– Play hide and seek games with treats to encourage your puppy to use their sense of smell and search for rewards.

Physical stimulation

– Take your puppy for regular walks to provide them with exercise and the opportunity to explore their environment.
– Engage in active playtime with toys such as balls, frisbees, and tug-of-war ropes to keep your puppy physically active.
– Consider enrolling your puppy in agility classes or setting up obstacle courses in your backyard to provide them with physical challenges.

By incorporating both mental and physical stimulation into your puppy’s daily routine, you can help them stay mentally and physically healthy, which can contribute to their overall well-being and reduce the risk of separation anxiety.

Positive reinforcement training

Positive reinforcement training is a training method that focuses on rewarding desired behaviors rather than punishing unwanted behaviors. This approach involves using treats, toys, praise, or other rewards to reinforce good behavior, making the dog more likely to repeat that behavior in the future. This method is based on the principles of operant conditioning, where the dog learns to associate a specific behavior with a positive outcome, leading to increased likelihood of the behavior being repeated.

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Using positive reinforcement training can help build a strong bond between you and your puppy, as it creates a positive and enjoyable learning experience. By rewarding your puppy for good behavior, you are teaching them to associate certain actions with positive outcomes, making them more likely to engage in those behaviors in the future. This method also helps to build your puppy’s confidence and trust in you as their guardian, as they learn that good behavior is rewarded and that you are a source of positive experiences.

Positive reinforcement training is also effective in preventing and addressing separation anxiety in puppies. By using rewards and positive experiences to create a safe and enjoyable environment for your puppy, you can help them feel more secure and confident when left alone. This can help reduce the likelihood of separation anxiety developing and can also provide a positive outlet for your puppy to engage in when alone, such as with enrichment toys and activities.

In summary, positive reinforcement training is a highly effective and humane method for training and building a strong bond with your puppy. By using rewards and positive experiences to reinforce good behavior, you can create a safe and enjoyable environment for your puppy, help prevent separation anxiety, and build a trusting and positive relationship with your furry companion.

Seeking professional help

If you find that your puppy is not responding well to the training plan outlined above, or if they are exhibiting severe signs of separation anxiety, it may be time to seek professional help. A certified dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist can provide personalized guidance and support to address your puppy’s specific needs. They can create a tailored training plan and offer advice on how to manage and alleviate your puppy’s separation anxiety.

Signs that professional help may be needed:

– Excessive vocalization or destructive behavior when left alone
– Inability to settle down or relax when separated from their guardian
– Persistent signs of distress, such as panting, pacing, or drooling, when left alone
– Inappropriate elimination, such as urinating or defecating in the house when left alone
– Aggressive behavior when separated from their guardian

It’s important to address separation anxiety in puppies as early as possible to prevent the development of more severe and long-lasting issues. Seeking professional help can provide you with the necessary tools and techniques to help your puppy overcome their anxiety and build confidence in being alone. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help when it comes to your puppy’s well-being.

In conclusion, it is important to start early and gradually expose Akita puppies to new experiences, people, and environments to prevent separation anxiety. Consistent training, positive reinforcement, and providing a safe and comfortable environment can help build their confidence and independence.

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